I participated in Portland Open Studios this year!
Dates were October 9, 10, 16 & 17 (the 2nd and 3rd weekends in October)
I really enjoyed this, meeting many people who were doing the Portland Open Studios tour plus seeing friends and relatives who were here helping or to see what I have been painting . It was great to have so much human interaction, even if we all were masked. I sold 14 paintings (!), and hope to replace them with new ones over the next couple months. I have to thank Sue for loaning me the three metal painting racks, and Jeff for building three wooden ones.
We were lucky with the weather, although there was that one hail storm the first Sunday of the tour — that was exciting, trying to keep everything dry.
Our neighborhood newspaper, The Sellwood Bee, will have an article in their November issue with interviews of some of the Open Studios artists in Sellwood-Westmoreland. And keep an eye out for next year’s schedule and maps, here’s a link to the Portland Open Studios website.